(859) 331-5368 info@lpchpd.com

Dear Citizen,

As a courtesy to the citizens of this community, the Lakeside Park-Crestview Hills Police Department has established a policy of allowing persons to observe patrol operations of the Police Department.

We are pleased to be able to extend this courtesy to you. Please keep in mind that while participating as an observer, you will be under the direct control of your host officer at all times.

Due to our concerns for your safety, the safety of our officers, and to assure that we can continue to deliver effective service to all of our citizens, we must place certain restrictions on this privilege. These restrictions are as follows:

• To participate in the program you must be 18 years of age or older.
• Prior to your ride, you will be required to sign a waiver of liability form. This form is intended to release the Cities of Lakeside Park and Crestview Hills, the Lakeside Park-Crestview Hills Police Department, and any individual officer from civil liability for any and all injuries suffered by you as a result of your association with the Department as an observer.
• The Police Department requires that you be physically able to perform the observation function without assistance from your host officer.
• You will be required to maintain a neat, clean and businesslike appearance. Please keep in mind that your appearance while in the company of our officers will be a reflection upon the Police Department. If a question arises about the suitability of your appearance, the supervisor will make a decision about your continuation in the program. THIS DECISION WILL BE FINAL.
• Under no circumstances may you be armed with a weapon.
• The United States Supreme Court has ruled that under most circumstances, civilian observers may not accompany police officers into private residences or businesses without the permission of the occupant(s). When circumstances permit, your host officer will introduce you to the occupants and ask for permission; however you may not enter the premises unless it is granted. When it is not, you will be asked to remain in the patrol car or other safe location.
• You may accompany the officer during prisoner transport and booking processes if, and in the officer’s opinion, it would not constitute a hazard to any of the persons involved or interfere with an investigation.
• You shall not participate in any police activity or converse with any prisoner, suspect, witness or any other person contacted on police business unless your host officer has granted permission.
• You shall not inquire as to why an officer handled a complaint as he/she did until after the completion of the call.
• You shall not make any audio or video recordings during your tour without the prior knowledge and permission of the Chief of Police. Although officers will not demand to review or edit tapes made with the Chief’s permission, you should be aware of the possibility that the tapes could be taken as evidence if they contain information important to an open criminal case.

Now that we have discussed the restrictions placed upon the observers, we would like to familiarize you with certain procedures which may help keep you safe and may assist the officers with whom you are riding.

• Become familiar with the operation of the radio linking you with dispatch – – IT IS YOUR LIFELINE! Know your officer’s unit designation number (i.e. Lakeside – 4), or at the very least his name. In case the officer is incapacitated, you need to know how to use the radio to call for help.
• Know where you are by street name and nearest address. This could be crucial should you need to call for help. Be aware of the street signs as you turn from one street to another and watch for landmarks, such as major businesses, which will pinpoint your location.
• Be self-sufficient. Do not become a liability to the officer with whom you are riding. Keep in mind that they have important duties and should not have to be constantly concerned with your welfare.
• Establish a rapport with your host officer. Make sure that you both understand what is, and is not, expected of you. Know ahead of time if you are expected to stay in the car on particular calls or incidents.
• Think ahead. Your host officer might like you to jot down the license number, time and other pertinent details while he/she is making the initial contact on traffic stops. Double check the license number for accuracy. This small contribution might help all concerned if something unexpected happens.
• Enjoy yourself. We hope this will be a learning experience for you and give you an insight into the duties of police officers.

We wish to thank you for giving us the opportunity to demonstrate the services performed by our Police Department. We hope that when you turn in your “Observer ID” at the end of your tour of duty, you will leave with a new appreciation of what it means to be an officer of the Lakeside Park-Crestview Hills Police Department.


Brad C. Degenhardt

Chief of Police

Click Here for Citizen Observer Application